
By Marionb

Cutting and Pasting

A lot of rainy days here this week. Not much to post. I have been spending a lot of time indoors, so it has been a good time to dig out my abundance of hobby materials and have a go. Yesterday, I spent the morning making greeting cards. I was a bit behind in getting cards ready for May and June birthdays and anniversaries, so it was the perfect time. I love to cut and paste; I do it even in my travel journals! Maybe it is because when I was a kid, there was no day care, and no kindergarten so I didn't get my full share of fun with paper?  Whatever, I do enjoy playing with paper. Having had a rather quiet rainy day today with no blip to post, as I was tidying up the craft room from yesterday's card session, I thought, why not take a photo of the room in all its chaos? When I am working in there, the place is knee deep in boxes, papers, ribbons, punches, brads, charms, rubber stamps, stickers.. but it would just be too I just made a little sample still life instead. So my blip is for yesterday. What I did today wasn't really photo worthy...a book I read? A DVD I watched? Actually, maybe the DVD would be appropriate.. It was The Biggest Little Farm, recommended by Tryfan46 in a comment  the other day. I just loved it. So thank you Tryfan 46! 

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