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By Mobius


Today Mrs M and I visited the "a little bird told me" event at "The HopBarn", a local emerging culture centre based at a local farm. Running over a number of weeks it comprised a Bird themed nature walk, art exhibition and community children's art project".

The hosts Jonathan (briefly) and Jakarta born Angie gave us the warmest welcome on arrival, and Angie's warmth, passion coupled with an impressive and diverse arts background made for an inspiring visit. We hadn't allowed sufficient time so just spent around 2 hours in total talking and doing the walk in the main.

Around a third (I think) of the land is proactively managed to encourage the desired biodiversity, amongst the bewitching ancient landscape of trees along the dyke in particular. Angie introduced the concept of "Shinrin Yoku" or "Forest Bathing", which utilises the power of the forest to enhance wellbeing including the immune system.

71 species of bird have been observed there of which 16 have UK red conservation status. We managed to see a few birds of prey including a kestrel, a few tree sparrows one or two other small birds, a nesting goose and a roe deer. 

There was a lot of depth to the event, which I only scratched the surface of and will be returning soon to look at the arts side in particular in more detail.

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