We went for a drive into the Cotswolds today and although the countryside was beautiful and it was a sunny day, we were quite disappointed at first because we hadn’t seen any fields of oil seed rape with their familiar yellow colour and pungent smell.  

However, just after we had said there didn’t seem to be any in this particular area, we came across a large field full of it.  With the blue sky, fluffy clouds and the sun shining, it was a wonderful sight to behold and it was a joy to be out.

I took several shots with a slow shutter speed and this was the result - all I’ve done is  put a frame round it.  The extra shows a shot of the field taken at normal speed.   We did notice that a lot of the Cotswold stone walls are badly in need of repair - but it’s a skilled job and I don’t suppose there are many around who still do this.

The bees were out in force and we had to stop the car twice and entice two out of the car - one was quite slow because its legs were full of pollen - but we were pleased to get them out alive and continued on our jaunt around the countryside.

One more in my 100 Abstracts Challenge for the Mamie Martin Fund, which provides secondary education for young women and girls in Malawi.  

It was a beautiful afternoon, and we made the most of it - apparently, the weather is supposed to go downhill from tomorrow - in other words, a typical Bank Holiday Monday in England!

“Some old-fashioned things like
     fresh air and sunshine 
          are hard to beat.”
Laura Ingalls Wilder

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