Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Sunday walk

Decided to take a trip to a new area for a walk with the dogs. It had a little pond in it, quite established as it had reeds but these looked well used by the birds for nesting. I love symmetry and this shot gives that in abundance. :)

Collected a coffee and treat take-away snack on the way back before returning home. :)

During covid/lockdown, we have got used to have our dinner (main meal) midday on a Sunday. We always joke that it’s a sign of age .... our parents used to comment that it was better for the digestion than a late tea. Bit of admin this afternoon. :)

Sat down to Sunday evening tv - Antiques roadshow, call the midwife then line of duty. Last in current series of LOD - wont give away a spoiler but ...... nit what I thought, tad disappointed. :)

Another day tomorrow - meeting up with the children :)


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