
It was still wet and wild, though eased off long enough for me to get a wee walk in before work.  It was dreich.  Back to work for me and to school for BB.  I had a morning of meetings.  At lunchtime I thought it was brightening up so thought I would walk around the block to escape my laptop. Then there were a few drops of rain, then it was really heavy rain and I was drenched.  Soaked through.  A benefit of working from home is that you can easily change into dry clothes when this happens, rather than sitting in wet clothes all afternoon.
By late afternoon it really was brightening up and when BB came home from school it looked much drier and quite nice.  However he came home with wet feet though –and had had them all day.  He had managed to win the 400m race at PE, in the rain.  After tea, I went out in search of the rest of my steps, then came home and watched some more Borgen.
Late afternoon I watched  a flock of starlings feeding in the back garden in the sunshine.

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