
By Beinghere

A Fish out of Water?

I found this “creature” in the woods. It reminds me of some weird sea creature so I brought it home and photographed it on a sheet of sea patterned writing paper. It’s actually a piece of bark, fallen from a tree.
The extra is a simple collage of tree trunks with rivulets of rain running down them.

Gary popped round this morning to see if I needed any jobs done, but we had a cuppa and caught up with each other’s news instead.

Then it was off to the town hall to cast my vote.
After that we went to the woods in the pouring rain. It doesn’t bother me walking in the rain, and I love to see how it brightens up all the shades of green and brown.
When we arrived at the wood there was no other cars so we pretty much had the wood to ourselves. We saw one young deer wandering around. There was no sign of the Great spotted Woodpecker we’ve seen several times recently. We saw a heron in the burn.
We went to Anstruther on the way home to pick up stuff at the chemist, and then it was home to dry off and have a hot cuppa.
So, no gardening, no housework and no shopping - a pretty lazy day.

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