LL D025 Messy

For a Thursday I had quite a good day and even managed to fabricate a 30 min break to run over the road to get a sandwich. I enjoy being busy, don't get me wrong, but sometimes I do need a wee, and some food!

The gym was better today as well. I realised I'm being a bit lazy so pushed harder and may even make the trip up to town on Saturday to go again. I was supposed to be going riding on one of my friends show jumpers but the weather is forecast to be a bit rubbish so we've put it off for a couple of weeks. Himself was going out with a friend, they'll probably still go. I hope they do, he needs to stop relying on me for all his social life. Especially as I have one of my own too.

Burgers for tea. We always manage to have something messy the day my cleaner comes so we're doing them on the BBQ instead.

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