
By carliewired

Midmorning at McArthur Island

Sunshine and blue sky
to lure everyone out of
their homes for the day

~ carliewired

I took my sweet time leaving the house this morning. I got my first vaccination yesterday. I'm babying my sore arm. No other side effects thus far. I'm so happy to be vaccinated. 

I drove the ring road around the park with my first stop by the butterfly garden where I spotted a pair of Canada geese and their brood. Now I understand why the geese haven't been visible these last days. They have been far too busy with their babies. 

I got a look at the Thompson River looking west of the park. I took a photo of my favourite mountains across the playing fields looking east. 

The biggest activity on the island today is the disc golf. I finally got to observe some people playing. There is quite a course set out on the island. I have no idea about the language for this sport. I see the serious players have a cart with many discs organized on it. It looks something like a re-purposed baby stroller. Some bring their own 'music' with them. Some just walk around with all their gear in a backpack. Dress is very casual.  I was very surprised to see that the course expects a player to throw the disc through/around/over/beside obstacles. A very friendly couple demonstrated to me how that was done. A disc (frisbee) doesn't necessarily travel in a straight line so curving it around an obstacle apparently can be accomplished. I suggested to one man who was instructing his young son in the fine points of disc golf that playing golf would be easier. He laughed and said "Losing a disc is more expensive than losing a ball!"

The marmot colonies were in full force on this beautiful day. I caught one poised just outside his den. It was dug into a small hill with trees all around. That must be where they hibernate too. 

I left my quilted heart # 29 along the Rivers Trail near my parking spot. 

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