Interspecies communication

Sue's skill as a gardener is a delight to see and enjoy. She has a pollinator garden, and this year she is putting to use some tips learned from Monty Don, including growing a number of plants from seeds. She nourished the little seeds tenderly with heating pads and lamps, and now they're going into pots and into the ground. Some of them seem to reach out to her and curl around her fingers.

The garden is a great success with neighborhood wildlife. Honeybees are drinking from her pots (see extra, and an article about why they do that if you like). Butterflies are mating under her rhododendron. She has three nests of finches and one of robins in her yard. It's dazzling to stand still and listen to all the urban life. On Saturday we enjoyed listening to Spell Songs, music set to the book by Jackie Morris and Rob MacFarlane, thanks to PaulaJ. 

Update: In the course of an update to my laptop on the morning of May 10, I lost Lightroom. Now I can only have it if I pay a monthly fee and use the Adobe Cloud, which I don't want to do. I'm trying to decide whether to buy Photoshop Elements or Luminar, or download GIMP, instead of paying Lightroom by the month. Until I come to a decision and have some photo processing software, I can't Blip again. I'm watching Youtube reviews, reading reviews, and consulting friends. 

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