My Best Efforts - Year 3


First Bird Cherry.......

...............that I have seen in blossom this year. This is in a dark corner of an old garden in my village. A couple of years ago the garden came up for sale as a building plot and a lot of it was cleared - I hoped they would not cut down the tree and, luckily, they didn't! A very swish Georgian style house now occupies the plot and looks rather good. It has been snowing this morning and actually was when I took this picture which is why it looks a little fuzzy but still pretty I think.
This is a very friendly place to live - two of my neighbours have been fansastic since my fall - one has done shopping and the other has provided three lunches in the last week. There was no REAL need but I think they would have been offended if I had refused and it was so kind I hadn't the heart to say "no".

Weather quite weird - dark clouds - a flash of sun - then really heavy flurries of fine snow - more of that forecast. Temperature is aroud 1 deg C.

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Hope you have had a great weekend and better weather than round here!

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