Two Tyred

We had an incredible thunderstorm during the night - it was so close that the flashes and bangs were almost simultaneous and rattled the windows - coupled with a very heavy downpour. We were awake for quite a long time.

Feeling a bit weary today! I did manage a trip to the tip and a short walk - stopping off to photograph a few derelict bits in the Thorp Arch estate, including these two old tyres leaning against a fence. I thought mono suited it as there was quite a lot green above and behind which distracted from the black subjects. Also added and extra of an old door that doesn't look like it has been opened in a while!

One for Derelict Sunday … thanks again to Marlieske for hosting.

I attempted to vacuum all the bits out of my car after the trip to the tip - however after chucking away the old bag (it is an old cleaner kept in the garage just for cleaning the cars) I discovered that mice have got in and chewed the corners of an entire pack of five replacement bags, so they are now completely useless. I may have to use the house vacuum..or maybe put it off until I get some new bags!

The flapjack I made yesterday has passed quality control … however, I may need to make some more before the weekend!

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