
The wisteria's out in town and looking gorgeous!
A very organised morning - taking a load of cardboard to the dump (and ignoring the twat bloke that works there calling me "sad" for queuing outside at 8.55am. Five minutes before they opened. He'd stood there shaking his head at me so I wound down the window to ask were we not allowed to wait. He carried on shaking his head and said I was sad. I opened my mouth to say that I'd just dropped my daughter off at school, then I needed to go to my other daughter's school to drop off the bags of clothes and toys that have been in the back of my car since I forgot to drop them off at the previous collection a couple of weeks ago, and actually I thought the tip opened at 8am which is why I'd come there first. Then I shut my mouth, thought f**k you and wound my window up without another word. Twat.
Then I went to drop the clothes off. Whoop whoop!!
A bit of Groundhog Day sorting out once I'd got back and then a quick walk into town with Mr K. He did a loop and walked straight back up as he had to get back for a meeting. I went to the charity shops to try and find the first book in a series I accidentally bought the second one of the other day (no luck!) and then to the post office to pay in a cheque.
Then it was back up the hill with me.
I almost got home without getting soaked. 
A quick trip to Milton Keynes before picking up Miss L. Returning some of the seven million items of clothing Miss E bought in Primark the other day and some things to TKMaxx. Refunds always make me happy - I forget I spent the money in the first place!!

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