Ambling Camera

By AmblingCamera

Reflections in a Barn Window

The Mistress was up at first light this morning, had me packed and ready to go and was excited because heavy fog swamped the valley. Unfortunately, by the time the Mistress's friend got here, the fog had lifted so that has to be another day.

We took off up a valley and found a wonderful place to photograph which was way off the beaten track. So wonderful that they made a pact they wouldn't tell anyone about it just yet and plans have been made to go back and take more images. I didn't make any pact though, so if you slip me $1 talk nicely to me, and if the Mistress isn't in earshot, I'll tell you!

The Mistress only pressed my shutter 200 times though, but said that was enough as she now has to choose a blip, which is no mean feat out of 200.

She loved the reflections of the old buildings in the newish barn - thought it has impact so settled on this one.

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