Anns a 'ghàrradh

Today turned out to be lovely and I spent most of it in the garden, tidying up, weeding and sowing seeds (peas, dwarf beans, beetroot and snowball turnips (swedes) in the patch sow and Courgettes , Chinese cabbage and Pak Choi in containers, which I might put glass over.

Most enjoyable - glad we decided to come back up last night. 

Not sure how they will all do - however this is about the same time as I sowed seeds last year and just over half did well so we shall see. Next year I will be able to do seedlings as we ordered a potting shed and greenhouse a few weeks back but they won't arrive until autumn. 

Extra shows a very friendly Robin who was flitting about most of the day and didn't seem perturbed by my presence (in fact I was the one backing away when he was getting too close for comfort - I like birds but from a far or behind glass). 

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