Beneath the Seventh Wave

We ended our few days away at Heddon's Mouth, a National Trust landscape running through ancient woodland to the sea with a fast flowing and rock filled river running through it. We've walked here before and this time I remembered to bring an ND1000 filter.

I'm no expert with long exposures, nor even much of a beginner. Most of my shots were messy in one way or another, but I quite liked this rock poking out of the tidal wash. I've lots of others to work through but I doubt there's anything more interesting.

I did try standing behind the big rock at the foot of the river as it pushes into the incoming tide. Stood there I watched a really big wave and set up the camera. It was, really, quite a big swell, there would be lots of white water... um, it's really quite big, isn't it. Bugger.

The weatherproofing on the Sony A7R4 seems adequate. The camera gave lots of error messages until I wiped over the flash terminals, and then it was fine again. I may have caught a fish in my pocket... 

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