
By hrubieszowianka

Tonight Guest Performance

About bins again. Mr H saw a big huntsman (spider) under the rim of somebody's wheely bin. He said that huge eyes were staring at him. Since then it is my job to get the bins out for collection and back in, as he's too frightened. So last night, in my PJs, I got them onto the curb. In the morning I did my trick with filling up everybody else's recycling bins and managed to get 1 bin in before I left for work. When I got back the other bin was still out, so I blackmailed Mr H into putting it away. And that's when he blipped me. It's my camera, so even though I'm not the author, it's still my blip. And you get the bonus: me at the dining table in front of the laptop.

I back blipped yesterday. I had to. Our prepaid mobile broadband internet run out of kilobytes (never mind megabytes). And because we haven't got local credit card, I can't top it up on net. One day I'll get it all sorted. I might even get a land-line, we won't be relying on pre-paid mobiles then. It's fun to be a migrant, especially in the first months.

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