
By Marionb

A Day In The Life...

of a Canadian Cottager.... 

Early to rise, preferably to watch the sunrise, or go fishing..but if up all night listening to bullfrogs croaking, then after sunrise is OK.  (main blip) If it is not raining, grab your coffee and head to the dock. Spend your day fixing broken things, lounging on said dock and going in swimming, no matter the water temperature. At 5:00, gather for Happy Hour  - again on the dock...and then in early evening, retreat up to the cottage to prepare dinner - usually involving the BBQ in the porch - out of reach of the black flies and mosquitoes who rule and bite at twilight. Then, at the end of the day? Turn on the TV for the Stanley Cup playoff game ( extra)  Yes, I know it is weird, but Canadians are still playing hockey at this time of year!  Those of us who blip, hockey fans or not, leave the room and open our laptops in the race to meet our midnight posting deadline. And so it was today, May 20, that I had company for the first time in that quest to post. My sister CalicoCat arrived today to join us for the week!  Let the fun begin.

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