North Downs, buttercups and horses

A quieter day on the blip front. Saturday morning chores and jobs as usual. Went to the allotment to help shift a load of manure only to find that there had been a mixup and there was no delivery today.

This afternoon’s walk was around the tracks and fields at the foot of the North Downs. There were buttercups in great profusion. This is my favourite with the Downs firming the backdrop.

Some hefty showers around this afternoon too, dark and threatening skies surrounding us. We almost got home unscathed, just 5 minutes from home the heavens opened.

Things are hotting up on the Allotment dispute. Seems there’s some disquiet from people about the secrecy surrounding the whole process. Watch this space, if you can summons the energy.

Pleased you liked the Terrier yesterday.

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