Pigeon in the Cherry Tree

Just across our fence from the school woodland. Prime targets for sparrowhawks. There seem to be so many of them. I watch their courting antics on the fence. The male sits there for a bit checking that no-one is watching then flies up into the dastardly conifer that killed my magnolia by depriving it of water. Robins nest in that tree too.

Weather dull and still cool for the time of year but tomorrow promises differently. A high pressure system is moving in.

Got my Amazon earbuds out of their box and charged them. Next step is to get them working.

Found the little laptop and charged that up too. Went through my Hong Kong pics for a talk I'm giving in June. I need to read up about some of the locations. Fortunately I'd compiled a book of words and photos so it shouldn't be too difficult. Finally took Basil out in the afternoon. So few people around. Where are they all?

M&S best burgers for supper and they are good. Fortunately I had a brioche roll in the freezer.

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