A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53


We walked to the village park today in the warm sunshine.
I took this shot as it shows the clear shadows of my two lovelies on the swings wearing matching tops.

We then went into the village to the PO and the butchers before returning to the park for a final play.
The grass was being cut which reminded us of our annual village gala which sadly won’t be happening again this year.

The extra are pictures of Eda in her ‘Cinderella’ dress which we have given her on this visit, it was actually the dress Grace wore when she was Gala Queen attendant back in 1990 when she was 6. 

Home for lunch and then sadly my lovelies were off back to Bath and daddy. So lovely to have been with them for ten days and for Jude to have visited Yorkshire at last. Though I cannot deny being pretty tired!

About a month till we see them again but this time it will be in Scotland - we hope.

Link to Flickr YSP photos

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