Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli


Arts in Transit was parked in front of Chatham library today as part of Estuary 2021 festival.
There's more going on which I hope to bring you very soon, but I shall take it one day at a time.
Last weekend there was another, far more localised, arts thing going on, with bugger-all pre-announcement.
Had I known, I would have been supportive, I might even have been present.
But the first I learned of a local arts festival was when I witnessed little artworks being cable-tied to the chain-link fence across the street from my home on a Thursday evening in preparation for a festival commencing on Friday afternoon. I couldn't help but feel “not-actually-invited-to-the-party.” And because I had had no prior knowledge, I was pre-booked to be out-of town for the whole weekend and so I missed every little bit of it. Their loss.
Was it big on local social media? How would I know? And if it was, isn't that just preaching to the converted? Surely that's like placing all of your advertising in-store, isn't it? Or am I missing something else here?
I don't know what to think anymore. I'm happy to see this in what I choose to call “Gun Park”, but I didn't see this advertised anywhere either. Maybe advertising is all QR codes on lamp-posts these days. What would I know? I used to live in a little village where people spoke to one another and everyone always knew what was going to happen next.
I'm thrilled to know that this little van has travelled only up and down the Thames estuary to visit all these cultures, but I am increasingly horrified to witness how lack-of-a-smartphone makes me a social leper/vegan.

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