Walking on water....

"C'mon girls, follow me..."

I had an appointment in town early this morning and although the temperature on my car showed minus 2 there had been no more snow overnight and the roads were dry so the journey was fine. On my way home I was due to help at the coffee morning and art exhibition run by our art group and I was conscious that I hadn't made any baking contribution. So I stopped at the local farm shop/restaurant where I had met up with ANewDay last week and bought a Lemon Drizzle Cake. As I left I noticed their little lake was frozen and couldn't resist snapping these girls slipping and sliding on their way to the melted water. I would have liked to have remained longer to perhaps catch one doing the splits but duty called...

The exhibition went really well and was well attended. We have been doing it for a number of years and it has become a regular slot in the diary for our supporters. I was in charge of selling the cards, which always do well, and my task tonight - or more realistically tomorrow - is to sort them out and divvy up the money for the artists who sold some and return a percentage to the fund for the charity we have chosen this year. At the end of a very long day my two chums deserved a walk and I took them for a quick hurl before settling back into the warm house.

My apologies if I haven't got around to commenting on your journals but I hope normal service will resume shortly.

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