Mr John

By MrJohn

Stephen .....

..... at Chevin books.

Today the weather has been lovely and sunny, if a bit chilly. I worked at home this morning but it was too nice to spend all day indoors, so this afternoon I had a trip to Otley.

After a late pub lunch, I spent a fun couple of hours browsing in the brick-a-brak and secondhand book shops in the town. Stephen here had just taken delivery of crates full of art and photography books and was busy pricing them up when I asked for his photo.

Although I didn't buy any books today, I did buy some black jacks and parma violets from a little sweet shop and a couple of Victorian studio portrait photos from one of the brick-a-brak shops for £1 as I liked the way the photographer had ( rather obviously ) edited one of the photos to make the gentleman sitters large sticky out ears look smaller. If only the Victorians had photo editing software ....

The virgin Internet service is currently out of action here ( and with my neighbours as well ), so I'm having to upload this on my phone using 3G. It's the first time I've used the updated blip app, so hopefully this works.

As he was kind enough to pose for this photo, today's blip is .....

..... Stephen at Chevin books.

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