The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Back at the beach

...after how long? Nine years since I was at Newport, Pembs. A few changes, many CoVid related. A LOT of people, visiting from England (as we are).

How fabulous to sit on the beach in the sun, and paddle in the sea. We'd got to Newport after an early start, leaving Stroud before 7.30, changing at Swindon and Swansea. All went without a hitch until the last part. GG had chosen to drag her unwieldy suitcase into the middle of the carriage, and as we approached our final destination, Fishguard and Goodwick, I realised she'd need help getting it off. I threw my own belongings on to the platform, and, as I was wrestling with her case, the train took off! Some girls had on the platform had seen what was happening and looked aghast, with comedy expressions. They tried to stop the train, but to no avail. Two minutes later, we pulled into Fishguard harbour station, at the end of the line. The driver told us that he'd be going back in fifteen minutes and that "this is a very honest place". Fortunately, he was right. The girls in their summer florals were waiting for us, they'd moved my luggage to safety, and all was well, for the moment.

After we'd started dragging our cases up the hill, I noticed that GG was lagging behind. She said she had a migraine and couldn't see properly. Fortunately, once we had dropped off our bags and got a soft drink in a bar, her vision returned. It was a boiling day, not a good one for a migraine.

A couple of bus trips layer, we were in Newport, left of the Parrog, by the old lifeboat station, on the small pebbly beach whose name I've forgotten. Bliss! We stated for hours, then walked back to Newport town via the coast path, took a bus back to Fishguard town, and were lucky enough to get a table for supper at the Royal Oak. I had the 'pitchfork' fish and chips (gf) which might as well have been served on a pitchfork, it was so large.( I will explain about that pitchfork another time).

A stroll back through Fishguard and along Goodwick Parrog and sands took us eventually to our B&B, which turned out to be delightful. It even has a terraced rear garden with a swing seat. What more could a girl ask for? I poured myself a non alcoholic gin and soda (no tonic!) and felt happy and more than a little sunnkissed. Today has been the hottest day of the year.

More later, when I have charged my phone.

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