Imagine the view....

By btc

Parklife: Rambling through Hampstead Heath...

....Hampstead heath covers 790 acres of green space of North West London running from Hampstead to Highgate and contains Parliament Hill which is one of the views of London protected by law where St Pauls Cathedral planning rules decree that no building can obstruct the view from 5 viewing points, Parliament Hill being one, yesterdays blip Primrose Hill being another. (see the restraint I showed by not just taking another London city skyline)

Hampstead Heath also claims to be the site of Boudica's burial spot and there is a mound named after her, Kings Cross Station and a site in the Midlands also boasts the same thing. (she obviously got about)

If you ever fancy it, the Heath contains open swimming ponds one Men's, one Women's and one mixed, the men's and women's are opening all year round in case you thought to yourself today 'I really want to go for a swim in an open pond'.

So that enough about Hampstead Heath lets talk about me. OMG!!!!!!!! (as someone a third of my age would say) I was so shocked (and proud) today to see that blip central have done an article on my monopoly series for their blip blog. I know they got it touch to ask me a few questions but I didn't think anything would come of it. I was so giddy that I was unable to really pick a blip from the three I liked here were options two & three. Actually it would be really helpful to me if you could tell me which of the three you would have chosen (none if you think that they are all rubbish)

A quick thanks for the comments, stars and favs for yesterday, also for the boys blips, will have to suffer my entire life with people commenting that they obviously got their looks from their mother? probably. (she blipped the picture of herself I took and she never lets photos go anywhere)

I might pop back to Heath to get a night shot, maybe I'll bump into George Michael!!! (naughty). Maybe you might be able to spot him in the LARGE version

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