aging hippy

By aginghippy

Spot of Rain ?

On the way back from the gym I stopped at our other local park just for a few minutes. It was chucking it down, as they say.

Well yesterday there was so little water in the stream you could step across it.

As I mentioned yesterday i had to delete my Twitter account as it had been hacked.

I didn't actually notice at first but then I received a tweet from the Lawyers of Wing Commander Hurricane Spitfire (dec'd) saying that he had left me 3 million pounds in his will. To receive said 3 million pounds all I had to do was send them a check for 50,000 pounds to cover their expenses !!!!
Then there was a similar bequest from a Nigerian Princess.

A friend in the UK also tweeted me to let me know that apparently I was selling Viagra and Prozac at discount prices via my Twitter account, under the heading " Uppers and Downers " !!

Once you delete your Twitter account all of your timeline etc is deleted which is as it should be.

However I discovered that Facebook is far more sinister. Although you think you delete your Facebook account all the information re contacts, likes, dislikes, address book etc remain there forever and a day. As long as someone has your original Facebook login name the details are there for all to see.
Just one of the many reasons why I think Facebook is to be avoided at all costs.


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