Planting out

Another beautiful day to enjoy the garden, after an hour on the phone, still trying to sort out BT connection for my mum! I feel I'm still no further forward, apparently the order is pending! Despite asking many times what that actually means and could I have a time scale there seemed to be no reply! Worse than actually wasting all that time I then had to tell mum I had no date for her. It's so frustrating as they almost literally only have to go and flip a switch and send out a new router. The building is just two years old and served solely by BT, no other providers are allowed, so you'd think it would be simple! Of course because if their exclusivity I can't threatening to go elsewhere, it is so frustrating and the last link to get mum properly settled. Life is really sent to try us sometimes!
My satisfaction for the day was digging out this little bed and planting the courgettes and beetroots in the hope I will get something to eat from them at some point.
Easy dinner today, flatbread pizzas which were very welcome when I realised at 5pm we hadn't had any lunch!

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