
By JanetMayes

Project 365 day 155: Wet Flower Friday

It was a very rainy day, as well as a busy one, so I didn't venture far. When the persistent downfall eased to drizzle, I took the camera out on the deck to see what I could find for Flower Friday: within five paces there were wet strawberry flowers (still in pots, as we haven't managed to prepare a bed for them), a mauve mass of wet chive flowers, some rather pretty wet leaves which have managed to appear through the gap between the decking boards, and lots of wet Herb Robert, which, fortunately, I haven't yet got round to pulling out. It self seeds everywhere and although it's pretty when it first flowers, as summer advances it gets very sprawling and messy and, if I don't keep it in check, takes over a lot of my pots as well as the crevices around the edges of anything and everything. 

I'm posting while feeding J her Saturday brunch, after last night's Blip problems, and am noticing how much quicker and easier it is to write my journal when I'm not falling asleep typing and having to delete line after line of repeated letters! P's home made rosti are good with scrambled eggs; now that I've finished my second mug of tea, it's almost time to put on the coffee. 

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