Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Making Hexham beautiful

My cousin Freda came to visit us today. She came from Sunderland. Her train was cancelled, but she was able to use the Metro to Newcastle and then catch the Hexham train, arriving on time.

While I was waiting, I chatted to the lovely lady in my blip. She was busy planting up planters outside the station. She told me that the station forecourt is the first impression that many people have of Hexham. It has been very messy for ages, but has now been cleared. She and a friend have been busy planting. Some of their planters contain edible plants and passers-by are encouraged to pick lettuce, herbs etc to take home.

As we chatted, she asked me my name. Then she said, "Are you related to Rene?" She is Jane Torday who used to run the Garden Station at Langley and Mum used to go there on painting courses. Small world and all that, but how lovely that she remembered. She even remembered the name of the tutor on Mum's painting course!

My extra is a selfie of Freda and me. I need tuition in how to take portraits that are not distorted by the angle of the phone. (Mr hazelh is very good at these.) Do you think there is a family likeness?

Freda looked at the thumbnail of me that is on Blip and momentarily thought it was her. In our selfie, she looks very like her sister, Joan, and their mother. Perception of one's self is always distorted!!

Mum and I watched the last episode of Call the Midwife tonight. 

I expect it will return for a Christmas special.

PS If you recognise Jane's unusual surname, it is probably because you read Salmon Fishing in the Yemen, by her brother, Paul.

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