To keep or not to keep . . .

 . . . that is the question!

It's been drizzling all day today so I've had a day inside. Did a bit of slide viewing - and slide chucking - but after a while it gives me a stiff neck, so I called a halt after about six films. I'm getting rid of possibly 50% and others I'm keeping for someone who wants old slides with cars or planes in them, so the left hand box is for him! I still can't imagine how long it's going to take me simply to look at them all - I'm only at the third row from the far end! Then of course there's the scanning . . . . . . . 

Why doesn't somebody invent digital cameras? Oh, they have. I remember now. So how many digital images do I have? I've just set the computer a-counting and I'm already horrified!

Quote of the Day:

Galen Rowell – “Small, portable digital cameras that exceed the performance of an off-the-shelf Nikon using 35mm slide film are further away from current reality than the proposed NASA manned Mars mission, although I expect both to happen sometime during my lifetime.”

(I'm not sure when he made that statement, but he was unfortunately killed in a plane crash in 2002.)

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