Iron Age Broch

After lunch with Tom, a former colleague, we walked from Plean Country Park to Torwood and back: a very interesting walk on which we visited this Iron Age Broch which is on a low hill above Torwood. It is well worth the visit although it is not easy to find and I have "The Scotsman's" walk expert to thank for suggesting the walk and providing the directions. The walls are quite well preserved and the doorways can be clearly seen ..there is even an internal staircase between two walls. In addition to the broch the walk also took us via the ruins of Torwood Castle which appears to be in the process of renovation although there is a long way to go and on the return to the Park we walked along the superb treelined South drive to the remains of Plean House which although badly vandalised still retains some original architectural features.
It is amazing what lies close to home and which has never been explored or visited. This however is a walk to be done again later in the year.

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