
I had a visit with my former therapist today and as always she had beautiful flowers from her garden in the office.  Aren't these peonies gorgeous?  And they have a lovely scent.  I usually go to see her about once or twice a year, when I have things I need to say or want to talk through that I don't want to burden anyone else with.  She has done me so much good over the years and I feel fortunate that she is still in practice, though she also is middle-aged.

Rain on and off all day today, as a prelude to what is to be a stormy weekend.  It's Manda's birthday and tomorrow we will be having a birthday party for her and Nick, Sarah's fiance.  Shopping for a birthday card for him today was frustrating, as there were almost no cards suitable for someone you like but don't know very well  Lots of overly emotional or inappropriately funny cards, but few simply straightforward and cordial.  He probably won't notice, but I do.

So I will be seeing the twins tomorrow!  Looking forward to the family gathering.  Hope you have good weekend plans as well.

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