Sunday without the Sun

It didn't look very promising outside today, the sky was overcast but there was a good breeze. I had saved up a big bag of coloureds for the industrial washing machine and decided today was the day. 45 mins later and I was hanging it out to dry on my new free standing rotary airer that a neighbour gave me yesterday. 

There's something about fresh washing that I love, the smell, pegging it out, watching it blow in the wind. Not so keen on folding it all up, ironing and putting it away, that's the tedious part,  however, with careful neat folding (after years of practice) I do save myself a lot of ironing.

Then it became very dark and the rain came, what a job I had dragging the airer inside, first I lifted it from the middle and the bottom stand came  off the top pole, it toppled to one side so I managed to get inside of the clothes and put it back together again, then as I lifted it from way down low, it toppled again, finally I got it half way through the patio doors and got stuck, after a bit of manoeuvring I finally got the darn thing inside, damp/wet washing is heavy. 

The dullness and rain have given me a chance to catch up on some of your blips that I've neglected lately. 

New buds on the tree outside of my kitchen window caught my eye, there's a lot of stickiness on my windows that seems to be blowing off the trees, I've washed them twice already, apparently it's due to insects and not the sap of the tree, it's called Honeydew. (Nice name for sappy insect poo)

Have a good day folks :-)

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