A Magpie & Two Bears

A visit to my GP in Reinickendorf this morning for a tetanus booster.A little overdue so vital . It pays to be safe..On the way back to the UBahn I stopped to blip these two Berlin Buddy bears. .Then a young lady asked if I could help her.  Also  an immigrant with good English.she is now mastering German .For the phone not so easy so I did the job and we chatted.From Tehran and with two children.Berlin life is never dull . Once home
the Magpie came flying over but a man ran past .The bird   came back so I got it's  picture through glass ....It's 27°c so I'm off for a siesta :) Here is a very sort video of some turtles in Berlin .At risk much is being done to bring their numbers up
 Turtles In Berlin

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