The State I Am In

By Shuji

Day2: Crovie ~ Troup Head ~ Bullers o' Buchan

On day 2, we first did a circular walk between Crovie (extra photo) and Troup Head RSPB, where we saw numerous breeding gannets (extra photo). 

Then we headed to Bullers of Buchan again for puffins for the last chance. There were approx. 10 puffins floating in the bay but not on the cliff. I asked a guy with a huge lens and he kindly told us the exact point and time that puffins come back from the sea. We waited for two hours. And yes, we managed to see them! We really appreciate the guy! It was my first time to spot puffins since summer in 2015 at Sumburgh Head in the Shetland Islands. I was really happy because this summer is probably the last chance to see puffins as I might not be in the UK next summer.

The aim of the trip is satisfied.

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