
By JeanSnaps

Under the rainbow.

Not so early this morning but not bad as Julie was coming to cut my hair at nine.  She and her partner spend their time walking and climbing hills and are doing a lot of camping weekends. Bags of energy.  I didn't have breakfast until she left and then Gil phoned so we are meeting for lunch next week.  I haven't seen her for a while so it will be good to get together.  She has rheumatoid arthritis and a knee replacement so we are on the same wave length.
Afterwards my groceries were delivered and once I'd put them away I  didn't feel in the mood to do anything but I coaxed myself out and dug up some more Spanish bluebells.  More still to go but I took myself to the front garden so as not to cripple myself again.  Not that removing lots of aquilegia seedlings was much better.   Happily Emma and Courtney  arrived back from nursery so we had a good natter and Courtney gave me a hug.  I really appreciated this as her head and shoulders  are level with my hip so a warm cuddle was just the ticket.
Came in and lay on the sofa with an ice pack on my knee, a heat pad on my hip, a cup of tea in one hand and a book in the other.  Then I felt sufficiently restored to nip up to the Pillars for eggs and then do some upstairs dusting.  I'll finish it tomorrow.
Went to look for a photo and didn't get far before a few drops or rain fell on the windscreen and a rainbow appeared.  My luck was in.  Came home to make a large bacon salad sarnie and eat strawberries and some lovely ripe figs.  Tomorrow is the day I get my first milk delivery.  I must remember and not leave it sitting on the doorstep.

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