The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Movin' on up

The erstwhile Church of the Latter Day Saints has a new occupant, in the form of Raw ber studios, which opened in London Road not long before the first lockdown of March 2020. Though they must have spent a great deal of time since then being closed, they've moved up the hill to Nelson Street, presumably to larger premises..I'd been hoping for ages that this building would find the right tenant. It has a huge car park: a rarity in Stroud. I don't know much about raw umber apart from the fact that they run workshops for artists, but I wish them well.

First 3.5 hour shift with the three year old twin boys today, Hard work at times, because there is some sibling rivalry. But we had fun, naturally.

Got home just in time to snatch the washing off the line before the rain spotted it. The promised thunderstorms have not materialised and nor has a heavy shower, but the glorious sunshine has gone, presumably because it's the part of the week when I have more free time!

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