On a cold and frosty morning

I got up, leaving MrB and Little Miss curled up asleep in their beds. Abe and I headed out for a dark walk and then I went to work.

When I got to school the frosty morning was just too beautiful for me not to go for a second walk to capture it. Just so stunning.

I worked and then drove home to take Abe for another walk at the Wetlands. He was pretty good, but a bit too slow to respond when I called him to me. He spent a bit of time on lead!

Then a phone conversation with the vet. Abe's hips are perfect, but he has a slight tilt to his sacrum. This has meant that his muscles on his butt haven't developed as well as they should. At the moment, it's not likely to be a problem, but it could lead to problems when he's older. We start rehab next week to help build up the muscles in his back. I'm so relieved that it's not more serious. 


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