Respublika Alanghy

You can't see the Monument to Independence, which is just out of shot, but this was taken from the City Government Building a little bit further up the hill (to the south!).
I had a mooch about today with the camera, after a very wet and miserable week weather-wise. It seems that the transition from a very grey, dull, life-less city, after the white winter is taking place, with rows and rows of tulips being planted and fountains being cleaned, ready for the summer months. Wedding parties were out, doing their rounds in hummers and stretch limos, for pictures at various locations (the monument being one) around the city, pleased that the sun was shining. From here, I went down the hill to the north - it doesn't sound right does it? - to proper 'downtown' Almaty, with street stalls selling everything and nothing including sheep-heads and pig trotters. I was intrigued about one section, where people stood or sat, with bits of paper clipped to their lapels and people went up to talk. Obviously I couldn't read any of what was written but stood for a while people-watching - it was bizarre.

Had the girls round for dinz. Whipped up a mean spag. bol and DIY garlic bread, with a lush carte-d'or ice-cream thingy for afters. It was a nice from the freezer and a couple of bottles of wine.

Time for bed!

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