Early birthday present

We are normally very strict about when presents can be opened, and Henry's birthday isn't until Monday 28th. But we are going away Friday, so for the first time in his 19 years we won't be with him. So we gave him a present this evening. He didn't know what we had bought him, but because he is planning to take himself away for a week camping, we wanted him to have it before he got too stuck in to his plans.

It has been nice to see the sun again. The work day didn't start well for many of the Norfolk CC employees as we couldn't access the computer system. But once I knew it wasn't just my Internet connection but everyone's, I stopped panicking and used my time wisely. So a load of washing put on, a dry load brought in, washing up done and kitchen tidied. Eventually after starting to try and log in at 7.30 I was in by 10. I'm really organised as I want to be ahead before my holiday, so the late start didn't affect me too much, and finished at just after 5.

A local builder dropped in to give us an idea of whether it would be possible to knock through our kitchen to the dining room to make a bigger kitchen. He was very helpful and not at all pushy. It gave us an idea of cost to do that bit, and now I need to work out what a new kitchen will cost. Jon will fit the kitchen, but we want a builder to knock down the wall and finish it off nicely. Woukd be great if it could happen this year....at least I already have the new cooker, just got to build around it!

Need an early night as i am a bit head achy today and last night was a late one.

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