Brazil , Barcelona, Berlin ,"Boomerang "

Yesterday a packet within a packet arrived (from Barcelona) .It had tried once but as German post can be difficult it was sent back .However , Blippers Bb and Dd had another go and yesterday was successful . My stills photography being atrocious, blipping was set for today .I had two helpers eager to display .One German knitted bear claimed the bag.You can see why.Coordination .The quality is amazing and reflects Spanish mosaic tiles .Who would want plastic when there's such ? Then a mat to end all.. from Brazil . Recycling at its best ..The extras show why .People in Brazil have gathered bottle tops , washed , then covered each with a piece of colourful material .Superb idea, saves landfill and makes money . One side is smooth the other is as you see in extra where the fabric  is. secured .Thank you both Bb and Dd for these amazing gifts Both  will be much used and reinforce the amazing truth that all countries are full of people with creative ideas and kindness.Such are found here on Blip , on You tube , out and about ..seldom in the press.. I wonder why .

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