Gifts of Grace

By grace


First ever garlic harvest.

I love that gardening is an ever-learning process.

I think I planted these too deep and too close.
The cold and showery weather over the last month has, I think, held these back.
Together these resulted in the leaves developing rust (again, I think).

And I was short of space for the veg seedlings still huddled in trays.
So out they came, ready or not.

I'm pleased enough with my first attempt but will plant fewer and further apart and leave more space for spring sown veg next time.  

I've left a few elephant garlic growing because I find the scapes so elegant in the evening light.  Everything else has to get in the ground in the next couple of days because - whisper it - we're promised a few days of very welcome sun.  I'm hoping to be reclining at the sit-spot, not working in the garden.

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