Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

Out Out! Work Work!

Up nice and early to go to the opening of our new depot in Stanton Harcourt, near Oxford.  My first time to set foot in one of our depots since early March 2020.  Great to see my colleagues face to face for the first time in ages and my young apprentice, who I've only seen at interview.  It will do her a power of good to feel part of the Group now that she's actually met people in person.

Had to do a talk to the audience, seemed to go down well, it was all off the cuff just speaking about my passion for sustainability.

Had to present to the European Board beforehand, which also seemed to go down well.

The only downside was seeing the volume of traffic on the roads, it's as if everyone has gone back into the office and the old ways.  The traffic jam around Newport and the Brynglas Tunnels was as bad as ever.  Why the hell anyone would want to return to that every day I have no idea.

Got my blood results, most remain where they've always been but my creatinine was up and EFGR was down, which left me feeling a little bit flat.

Today I am thankful for:

1.  Seeing my colleagues face to face again

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