Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Want Some?

I thought about blipping mud today, as the mud has returned but I couldnt really make mud look interesting, its well sort of muddy and mud - here was my effort - see not very inspiring and I am sure you prefer Kirk and Magic.

My period pain has progressed into an earache, backspasms, tummy spasms, feeling sick and oh yeah I still have a headache.

Drama for today another trip to the vets, Caesar came in with his tail limp and was not happy about it being touched, he has had some injections and we go back tomorrow to decide what is happening - worse case his tail will have to be amputated, best case he will just need a course of anti inflamatories. The options are that its broken, though we dont think so; he has been biten, though at the moment we cant see a bite; he has pulled his tail. So again he has to be kept indoors - thinking that I might start working at the vets to build up an account - cleaning for treatment. Also think I should get my own parking space.

Oh and electrician hasn't bloody turned up to do the quote, so much for guess I will be trawling through the old fashioned way

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