Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


Last night I prepared 3kg strawberries and left them soaking in some lemon juice overnight as I ran out of time. This morning I made my first batch of jam of the year. The scent when I came into the kitchen this morning was wonderful, even before I started cooking them.
Other than that I had a couple of Zoom meetings which went well.
I popped into Lidl this evening. I noticed that i had done well with my strawberries yesterday, at £2.99 per kg. Today they would have cost £2.69 for 600g.
We watched an episode of Rebus tonight, the first of the Ken Stott ones. He makes a much more believable Rebus.
It's hard to face the huge increase in the number of cases at the moment. It doesn't take much to link them to the recent high profile events. Hopefully this are going to start to calm down again soon. It's the school holidays here now, hopefully the children are going to be able to enjoy them.
I hear Malta is looking at introducing legislation to restrict people going into the country. That's not really a surprise, I'm not sure I would want hoards of potential asymptomatic cases coming to my nice safe country from somewhere with as many cases as the UK just now.
Keep safe everybody.

It's back!
It's Friday so here's the art quiz link... 9/10 for me, Good luck

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