Mask-maker at work

Evan and I had a marvelous day at my place, and so far the electricity is still on and the temperature is only 102F/38.8C, slightly less than predicted, though still record-breaking in its intensity. Signs have been posted throughout the building, warning that the power may fail owing to so many using the air conditioners. Citywide there are fears the whole electric grid may fail.

Evan had forgotten many of the toys he loved before the pandemic, but as he re-discovered them, he whooped for joy as if discovering parts of himself he'd  lost sight of. The art materials garnered his attention for the longest time. Like me, once he gives himself to a project, he can remain absorbed in it for hours. "I want to make people of different ages, having different feelings," he said, "but the old people are the most fun because I like making wrinkles." I thought a mirror might help, but he preferred having me describe each character while he nodded or shook his head to let me know if I'd gotten it right or not. (The extra is "a hero about my dad's age, feeling sad because he couldn't save someone.")

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