
By strawhouse


Miss L went back to school today, whoop whoop! Thankfully there were no more cases in their bubble and they got through their ten day isolation unscathed. 
Well most of them did. One mum asked did we really have to lock them in their bedrooms for the whole ten days. Er, no!!
They went off to a watersports centre this morning for a day in the lake. I did feel for them going in the grey drizzle rather than the sun of last week.
Miss L didn't mind, she LOVED it!! Apparently they practically had to drag her out at the end of the day.
There have been signs on the way to school for a week or so warning of roadworks and delays for ten weeks (TEN WEEKS!!!!) from today. I'd warned Miss L that we'd have to leave early so we didn't get caught in them and risk being late for the bus to the lake.
So off we set at 8.10am. Not a chuffing bollard to be seen and we were at school by 8.20. So early that there was time to overshoot and go and get petrol!
Miss E woke up looking like death on a stick. She couldn't say what was wrong, she just felt "I don't know, weird. Sick but not like I'm going to be sick, just, you know, I don't know, like, weird"
Marvelous!!  I sent her back to bed where she stayed all day. 
After I casually checked that her Covid test last night was negative!

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