
By BryanImagining

Restaurant stocked, ready for Grand Opening

Saw this birdfeeder at Tractor Supply Co (my new favorite store, after i moved away from Home Depot). I said, for $39.95, I can make that!

And here it is. Double sided plastic display windows, so the patrons can peruse the future meals du-jour from North or South. Dual perches can handle the happy hour crowd on a Friday night, and the roof hinges open to accomodate Instant Delivery.

Original location was a bust. No customers! Located on the North patio, the grand opening may have been premature. pending a suitable location, the Audobon Cafe is currently in temporary habitat on the Island. (the Kitchen Island, to be precise.)

This weekend, the owner of the Kitchen Island and the Castle will install the GRAND SQUIRREL PLAN to protect his bistros from infestation.

More to follow. :-}}

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