The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Honkaku: photo of a photo

I've finally joined the Shedunnit book club, now that my WEA course is coming to an end. I may not be able to do any more for a while, because of my many jobs. July's read is The Honjin murders, only recently translated into English for the first time. Honkaku is the name for Japanese mystery novels, which were inspired by books from of the British Golden Age of crime writing, which originally made their way to Japan via sailors and merchant traders.

On the Shedunnit discussion forum, one person thought fully posted all three covers from the Pushkin Press. Bold and striking, are they not? I'll post a link to the Honkaku edition of the (free) Shedunnit podcast here.

Otherwise the day went well. I ordered some crime novels this morning, had brekkie, did some washing, checked my phone and discovered, Oh no! GG, my walking companion, has broken her wrist! It was something to do with taking out the recycling bin down a steep slope, while chasing a tin can with her foot. She is now the second of my elderly friends to break a bone while taking out the recycling.

GG is now in Gloucester Royal Hospital, and has either been operated on today or will be tomorrow. I don't know how she will manage when she gets home, as it is her right wrist and she lives alone in a cottage in a pretty, but rural, village. I've done some research, but she won't get much help without paying for it, and it may not meet her expectations. I just hope she doesn't acquire CoVid Delta variant while in hospital.

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