Another Day Another Mugshot

Well I finally made it into the XC CrossCountry magazine well not into it as they put my gub on the back page probably so they didn't scare folk off from reading it Lol so now waiting for the expected abuse from my colleagues on facebook which will no doubt start as the magazines start dropping through there letterboxes haha I shall hopefully catch up with your latest blips this week shortly as I am in a heavy area of the roster with upcoming jobs so late back shift today and early on Monday with a 04:15 start working the 06:06 service to Leeds and back with a Scottish League Cup Final fitted into Sunday taking my son Sam and my Nephew Josh who has just started work at CrossCountry at the end of last year going as well and it could be a first for our team to be the holders of both cups at the same time after winning the Scottish Cup final last year against our Edinburgh rivals Hibs in a 5-1 thrashing last may oops sorry Legodude as we have never held both before at the same time so history could be made against St Mirren and if we win I hope Fuzzy14 won't be to upset if we do so fingers crossed for my team Heart Of Midlothian on Sunday movie for the day well if we don't win the final or I suffer to much abuse from my workmates about the article then I will have to become "The Escapist2008" for a few days haha. PS sorry for the spelling mistake of Pitlochry in the magazine as it was done from an agency in Cheshire, PPS I also did a retake of my 13th of March Stargazing shot last night but just posted both yesterdays and today's blips one after the other so you might have missed it,it turned out a lot better with me doing the right Aperture this time hopefully

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